Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

It has been such a mild summer compared to the last several summers that it doesn't seem like it is ready to end.  The Labor Day Weekend marks the unofficial end to summer but coincides with transitions at the ReStore as well.  We lose our Americorps and Lutheran Volunteer Volunteers this time of year and tend to get fewer people signing up to volunteer after the summer.

Our LVC member, Tyler, left at the end of July.  His replacement, Sascha, has started and is doing a great job.  Sascha comes from Germany and is adjusting to a new country while learning the ReStore.  We will have three new Americorps starting in the beginning of October.  Of the three we had this past year Hannah has gone on to a procurement position for the Charlotte, North Carolina store,  Alyson is continuing a couple days a weeks until the end of the month, and Yuri has started an internship in architecture so he is only with us on Saturdays now.

During the summer we get a number of high school students signing up to volunteer to fulfill community service requirements.  With school starting again that number will drop off significantly.  We have been having better luck attracting volunteers since moving to our new location in Prices Corner but we still don't have many regular volunteers.  Someone who can come in occasionally is always welcome but we need regular volunteers who learn the way the store operates and can help with tasks like running the register and pricing.

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