Front entrance to store |
The work renovating the new building is done and we should get the certificate of occupancy on Monday. That will allow us to move sale items into the store. We have had a number of large donations over the last several months that went into storage since we couldn't fit the donations in the current store. Those items will be moved over and unloaded starting on Monday.
Racking for doors along back wall |
We were able to get into the store this week to have racking installed. We have racks up for doors, windows, TVs, and lights. Shelves and other fixtures have been moved into the store. We will set them up throughout the store as they are needed. An Americorps group has been working with the Habitat affiliate and built many of the fixtures for the store. They also will be available next week to help us start moving into the store. Several groups have also signed up to help with the move over the next month.
Employee breakroom |
The building looks much better than it did when work began in July. A new roof has been installed, electrical and plumbing have been updated, the building had been painted, a new door has been added for a customer entrance, doorways have been knocked into the wall to allow easier access between the front area of the store and the back, and the offices and employee breakroom areas have been redone.
After all this time it will be a relief to finally get started on the move. It is going to be a lot of hard work but we are all excited to get to opening day on November 10th.